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Did you get stuck with the setup of SuperOffice CRM? Do you need inspiration on how to automate the work process or simply get more of your solution? Here is the place to post questions, share tips and workarounds and help others.

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15/08/2024 Test Form - move forum

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
Community Test
15 Aug 2024 | 10:28 AM
Users and user right management

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test comment
by Community Test
6 Sep 2024 | 11:15 AM
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SSO using microsoft causing strange behaviour

I've been setting up SSO for a customer, as i've done many times before. But this time it's rather strange. The behaviour i'm seeing, is, if the customer logs on using their alias email like they gets redirected to microsoft authentication, logged in, and then back to superoffice, where they are then prompted to receive a welcome email, like if the user was new - bear in mind they signed in to the user 5 minutes earlier before sso was enabled.   If i then change their username to the actual username in AD, they are prompted for their password in SuperOffice, and never redirected to the microsoft login.  The email username is now initial based, like   But despite the domain being registered for SSO, it is not regocnized.   I used this article to set it up, like i've done many times before:    Anyone know what i can do, and what's causing this?

9 Jan 2024 | 09:55 AM
Users and user right management

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Their UPN in Microsoft needs to match the username in SuperOffice, otherwise you get strange results. ( )


9 Jan 2024 | 11:59 AM
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Failed to obtain access token.

Hello guys,   I wanted to ask, what's the issue when I get this respond from the "devnet-tools.superoffice" page after giving he correct credentials.   " failed to obtain access token "   I've had it once, and it worked again the next day. Could it be a technical Issue on SO-side?   Thanks 

28 Dec 2023 | 11:49 AM
Users and user right management

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Yes, we had a problem in our development environment ( around this time.


5 Jan 2024 | 07:34 AM
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Trigger script - Project owner changed

Hi,    I'm testing out how to notificate a project owner once a project has been assigned to them. This can be notified with an appointment task of 1 minute.    However, I need help with the trigger script. Has anyone else set up a similar script?    I don't have too much experience with CRMscript, but would love to see some examples that I could work out further.   Thanks in advance!

7 Dec 2023 | 12:47 PM
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A trigger script is run when a particular screen is shown - in other words, it's tied to the user-interface. Triggers are not run when an API call changes the project, but webhooks are. The scripts would be similar - but triggers are set up using the admin UI, while webhook scripts need to be registered via the API - there is no UI for webhooks. You can use trigger script to create the appointment:  CRMScript_Event_Trigger_SalesAfterSaveProject Use the EventData to see if the project associate_id has changed, and if so, create a new appointment in the new owner's diary. You can set the new appointment assignedBy and AssignmentStatus to make the appointment appear as a notification for the new owner.  
by Christian Mogensen
12 Dec 2023 | 10:24 AM
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Removed a line in sales details

Hi.  How do I removed this "saker" thats yellow in the picture below. The picture if from the sales oppertunity side. 

17 Nov 2023 | 11:04 AM
Settings and maintenance

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aaah perfect. Thank you so much! =) 


17 Nov 2023 | 01:42 PM
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Al tekst står med fed efter den nye opdatering

Al tekst står med fed efter den nye opdatering til CRM Cloud. Hvordan får jeg ændret det tilbage til normal formatering? Det er meget ulæsbart, som det står nu.

15 Nov 2023 | 09:48 AM
Settings and maintenance

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Hi Pia, I am unsure what text might be bold after the latest update. Can you create a support request with us so we can personally follow up with you on this matter?


16 Nov 2023 | 02:36 PM
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Issue with SAINT tracking follow ups that are older and updated

Hello!   We use the SAINT feature to track customers that have no activity planned in the future, by using the SAINT feature. Our current set up is as follows for the selection / dashboard. So we should see accounts that do not have anything planned in the current day or future. However I am finding some results that appear, that do have a follow up in the future - usually when the activity is created a few days/weeks/months ago and then changed to a new date such as the one example here. I rebuilt the SAINT counters at around 3:45pm on 04/10/2023 so should technically count it?   Any help or advice woulbe appreciated.   Thank you and have a great day.   Warm regards,   Adam      

4 Oct 2023 | 02:47 PM
Administrator forums
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Overview of user login

Is it possible to somehow see the data and time when a user have loged in in list? It is onprem and SQL would do fine, it is just to check a users history for some reason(!). I know we can see what (or close to) what a user have done with the data, I just need when he/she logged in and maybe out over the time.

3 Oct 2023 | 07:56 AM
Users and user right management

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OK, thank you! That was easy!


3 Oct 2023 | 09:37 AM
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Access to ExtraTable data denied both in UI and API

Hi,   we started implementing ExtraTables in our system (OnSite version 10.1.6). We can create tables, add and remove fields via the UI and manipulate data via CRMScripts.   However, when clicking the "Create new entry" option in the ExtraTables overview, it only shows a new screen saying that "You do not have access rights to that function". Trying to create an entry via the API (/api/v1/table/{myTable}) returns 403 Forbidden with the following response { "Error": true, "ErrorType": "UnauthorizedAccessException", "Message": "You do not have access to the table, or it does not exist", "FriendlyMessage": "", "ErrorSource": "SuperOffice.Services.Implementation", "InnerError": { "ErrorType": "SoException", "Message": "Service call DatabaseTable.InsertRow failed with exception\r\nDatabaseTable.InsertRow", "ErrorSource": "SuperOffice.Services.Implementation", "InnerError": { "ErrorType": "UnauthorizedAccessException", "Message": "You do not have access to the table, or it does not exist", "ErrorSource": "SuperOffice.Services.Implementation", "InnerError": null } } }   This happens even when the user in question has every single right assigned to his role. So, is there some "hidden" setting that would allow access to the table, especially via the API?   Thanks and BR

6 Jul 2023 | 08:33 AM
Users and user right management

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Probably because ExtraTables are a Service thing, so there are some checks for a Service license we haven't removed. This is a bug - a Sales user should be able to create + update extra fields without a Customer Service license.
by Christian Mogensen
3 Aug 2023 | 12:55 PM
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Mangler webformular fanen i marketing-modulet.

Siden weekend har vi ikke længere adgang til webformulars i SuperOffice. Jeg tænkte at det kunne være at nogen herinde havde oplevet noget ligende, og vidste hvad det kunne skyldes. Vores løsning er en On-Premise (SuperOffice 9.2 R10 NetServer 9.2 Release (Build: Release92R10_2021.07.02-02)) Der har ikke umiddelbart været nogle ændringer, så vidt vi er klar over. Og jeg har tjekket at alle som oplever fejlen, har marketing-licens. På forhånd tak for inputs, mvh Johannes

19 Jun 2023 | 08:11 AM
Settings and maintenance

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Hi Johannes, I really hope that you have already sent your problem to our support team, and have got help...? That would be the correct place to ask for help. //Susan


29 Jun 2023 | 03:51 PM