Issue identified:
Some SuperOffice Administrators who try to migrate documents from SuperOffice to SharePoin have encountered a SystemUserToken-validation failure towards Microsoft SharePoint when using the pilot of SharePoint Documents Migration. We have investigated the issue and found a fix for it. We will deploy the fix as soon as possible.
User experience:
- SuperOffice Administrators who try to migrate documents from SuperOffice to SharePoint may see that no documents are migrated when the migration job runs.
- The migration job logs the error “The orchestrator function ‘DocumentsMigrationOrchestration’ failed: The activity function ‘LoadSystemUserCredentialsActivity’ failed” in the error log.
Fix details:
- We have a fix ready to be deployed.
- We will update you with more details on when the fix will be rolled out.
What do you need to do?
If you encounter the issue, you can try to start a new migration job or wait for the fix to be rolled out.
Please contact if you need assistance or have any questions related to this.
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Incident Update
Issue resolved
We have deployed a fix for all affected tenants.